As a comprehensive family engagement system, ReadyRosie can support states as they prepare for and implement the activities outlined in the Preschool Development Grant B-5 Renewal Grant, especially in the area of family engagement and partnerships. Increasing outcome-driven family engagement and school readiness initiatives have been outlined in many states’ ongoing needs assessments and strategic plans, therefore, we have put together the following documentation to demonstrate how ReadyRosie can support the requirements, activities, and bonus opportunities in this grant application.

Activities How ReadyRosie Can Enhance and Support
Activity One:
PDG B-5 Statewide Needs Assessment

Activity Two:
PDG B-5 Statewide Strategic Plan
As states use their needs assessments to develop a strategic plan, ReadyRosie can help improve transitions for families and educators, improve the family engagement component of High Quality ECE programs, and provide indicator data to assess progress. Because of our digital/ relationship-based approach, ReadyRosie can provide family support for children who are traditionally vulnerable and underserved in rural and urban settings by providing accessible family resources at scale.
Activity Three:
Maximizing Parent and Family Knowledge, Choice, and Engagement in Their Child's Early Learning and Development
ReadyRosie empowers program/family partnerships through content and communication at scale. Many schools and programs are utilizing the following resources to provide standards-based and research-based content and information to not only enrolled young children and families, but also to pre-enrolled children and their families.
Activity Four:
Sharing Best Practices and Professional Development for the Early Childhood Workforce
High quality family engagement is a critical component of every early childhood program. However, many early childhood educators have not had in-depth professional development around protective factors and strong family partnerships. ReadyRosie provides that support through impactful professional learning around transformative family engagement that can empower the early childhood workforce and increase quality and consistency across programs.
Activity Five:
Improving Overall Quality and Service Integration, Expanding Access, and Developing New Programs
Many statewide initiatives are utilizing ReadyRosie to support families who are enrolled in a variety of early childhood programs. The developmentally appropriate early childhood learning activities are being used to support family child care and home-based child care, as well as families who are not enrolled in a formal child care or preschool setting.
Activity Six:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Use for Continuous Improvement
The ReadyRosie data dashboard not only provides state institutions, LEAs and local programs, and educators with real-time family engagement data, the data provided connects school readiness goals to family interactions. The data provided is designed to be actionable for continuous and ongoing improvement and to inform local best practices around family partnerships.
Infant/Toddler Emphasis
The ReadyRosie resources support and elevate the family role throughout the critical early childhood continuum which begins with infant and toddler content. The ReadyRosie family support for caregivers of infants and toddlers is based on protective factors and the developmental milestones and goals outlined in the Early Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, including emotional and behavioral self-regulation, perception, gross and fine motor skills, and more.
Collaborative Transition and Alignment from Birth to the Early Grades
ReadyRosie's resources specifically target successful transitions in multiple ways:
  • By providing state-specific vertical alignments to birth–3rd grade learning opportunities
  • By providing video, mobile, and workshop support for families around successful transitions
  • By empowering families and programs with data around family partnerships that can transfer from the early childhood program to the elementary school experience

Please contact us today to set up a demo for your state’s early childhood team to learn about the existing impact of ReadyRosie in your state or region at [email protected].